Virtual learning environment – it’s boon and bain
An online system that enables education materials to be distributed over the internet is a virtual learning environment. It is used to transfer information from organization to employee, or teacher to student. It can take place through online platforms such as Google classroom, Zoom and Skype. Let us address and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the virtual learning environment for students:
Time and Money Saving
By studying online at the convenience of your living room, you can save several precious hours and a lot of money. Live virtual classes save time and money for the commute since there is no need to move out of the house to learn at school/college. Study at a designated time and perform all of your home’s other activities without any trouble.
Increased Convenience
Virtual learning environment is versatile, and there are no limitations on coming to class late or missing lessons, etc. With fewer requirements and more convenience, students can choose their own sweet time for studies. It also allows them to effectively learn class material and complete their assignments with concentration.
Lack Of Social & Emotional Skills
There is not much contact or face-to-face communication among the students because the classes take place over the Internet. Therefore, one may observe that the child is lacking social and emotional skills.
Physical Activity Is Compromised
Students walk around, play, run, and do all sorts of things that keep them fit while they are at school. They are encouraged to be physically involved by PT lessons, sports, dance, etc. Virtual learning environment lowers their activity and keeps them restricted to their laptop and desk for the courses they choose.
Effects Of Excess Screen Time On Students
We all know that blue light from the screen is dangerous to a great extent. In the future, continually looking at the screen hurts the eyes which can lead to several problems. When using laptop/phone, daily breaks are recommended.