This article provides inputs about how the various individuals perceive the employer branding concept and how much they are influenced by it through social media in that context.
It also gives an idea as to what are the qualities in the companies that are more attractive to the present and potential employees.
When we talk about the various aspects of the brand image there should be a relational aspect that connects the external as well as internal image of the company.
The brand image depends on how well the employment experience is propagated among the masses.
The factors that are appreciated among the brand are fulfillment of Psychological contract and Functional aspects.
Psychological contracts are Empowerment, Importance of work, Recognition of performance, Sense of Achievement and Respect by seniors and colleagues.
These are the things that promote the sense of belongingness in the employers.
Out of these factors, the sense of achievement and the recognition of performance play an important role in attracting the employees towards the brand.
For e.g.: retailers like shoppers stop display a picture of the employee of the week on the store walls.
This motivates the selected employee and encourages the others to perform.
The outsiders see and appreciate the gesture.
Hence, the employees also strive to maintain the level of proficiency expected from them.
Social media is a common place for all the strata of the society to meet.
Whether we talk about the intranet within organizations or the internet, for the world ,it’s the era of continuous interaction and this media caters to the temporary escape which gets created when an individual is online.
That is the escape vacuum which companies must aim to catch and promote.
Therefore, it can be said that Social media provides a platform for the companies to reach out to the mass.
It helps reduce the cost of recruitment, the time taken and also promotes the culture to attract and retain the best talent available.
There is also a flip side to it but it gets neutralized when the advantages are higher in number.
What companies need to focus on is to get the right “strategy”.
It should include the implication of the message to be sent across to the audience targeted and the value which would help in catering to the identified unfulfilled need.
There is a famous quote about brand and branding that says it all:
“If you try to be famous for everything, then you will be famous for nothing”.
There is a lot of Scope for Further Study in the employer branding concept.
The current research undertaken was to observe the effect on employer brand due to the popularity of social media.
There is a scope to refine any branding study in the following ways:
I. Collecting data from more respondents: more the number of respondents, more accurate deductions.
II. Quantitative Analysis: The analysis carried out in my project was focus group analysis qualitatively which required more substantiation. However, a quantitative method might provide higher reliable results and give a statistical approach to the study.
III. Data collected can be differentiated by Industries: This will show clear implications of the study industry wise.
IV. Classification on the basis of Age: To show the trend which are following up in the current.
There are a lot of things in the market which one can research on.Take for an example customer loyalty.
It is a highly researched concept and has deep connections with branding.
One cannot treat employer branding concept differently and independent of other factors.
Both branding and organizational dynamics are inter related.To work on a sustainable branding, one needs to alter internal dynamics too.
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