
I -learning – Why is it trending?

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In the past 10 years, the popularity of i-learning has increased. For both the learners and the organizations, there are many advantages to i-learning, which inspire their employees. Online courses are an accessible, time-efficient way to improve awareness for businesses looking to educate workers. Schools and colleges also use online education programs for students that prefer distance learning. Nowadays, more and more organizations prefer online education programs over conventional training methods. Here are some advantages of online learning over physical learning:


I-learning and online education programs need an initial investment, but your ROE improves every time you access the course. This is because you divide the fixed cost of output by the number of uses. There are also savings by reduced travel costs, reduced supplies, leasing of classrooms, and paperwork costs. Trainer expenses are usually one-time, as many learners will reuse the same content again.

Improved Retention

Online courses have been made possible by technology to be much more engaging than they were in the past. Courses just need text to be read on a computer by the participant. Branching technology helps students to make choices in order to develop online education programs more like games to improve interaction. Studies have shown that gamification increases the interaction of learners and promotes retention. Branching technologies and tests can also help tailor the study materials for each learner by providing them with additional tools and pathways.

I-learning also helps learners to get through the material at their own rate, and they will learn nearly five times more material. This can be done without increasing the time spent in training and having to wait for others.


People can fit the learning around their work and family life with online content and a without a proper regimented class schedule. To make the process as flexible as possible, they should approach the course in the way that fits best for them, with courses deliberately designed for self-study.

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